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Venue 1012 is located at 1012 Station Drive in Oswego, just west of Orchard Road.
Take Mill Road west of Orchard and turn north on Station Drive.
Where to park & what to bring
Parking is free, plentiful – and convenient. There’s space in a paved lot for a few hundred cars, and we’ll open a second lot for larger shows. Both are a short walk from the stage.
Bring a bag chair or a blanket if you’d like to sit. There’s standing room closer to the stage.
Food & Drink
Outside food is permitted. No outside drinks allowed; a beverage tent, including the sale of beer, wine, soda and bottled water will be available during concerts. Food vendors will be on site. Some exceptions apply.
Movies Under the Stars events permits outside food and non-alcoholic drinks. For more information view the movies page.
Weather Policies
Events take place rain or shine. In the case of extreme weather conditions, a temporary postponement or full cancellation may occur.
Check the specific event page for weather announcements.
Venue 1012 is wheelchair accessible. For additional questions regarding accessibility, contact the venue.
Pets and more
Although we love pets, pets are prohibited, unless they are service animals. Service animal owners are expected to keep the venue clean and keep their animals on a leash at all times.
Stay in the loop — and win free tickets.
Every month, all summer long, we’re picking one name from the Venue 1012 email list and giving away free tickets to a Weekend Headliner concert. Leave your email below for a chance to win. We’ll send you updates a few times a month about upcoming shows and other opportunities at Kendall County’s premier outdoor concert venue.
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