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Skip to main content Survey Share your feedback
We want your feedback! Thank you for visiting Venue 1012! We hope you enjoyed your experience with us. We strive to provide great entertainment, food and beverage, and atmosphere at Venue 1012 and greatly appreciate your feedback.
Your thoughts and impressions about your experience are invaluable to help identify areas for improvement and highlight what we are doing right.
Please take a few moments to complete this anonymous survey. At the end of the survey, you may provide your email address for a chance to win two free tickets to an upcoming concert. Note: The survey data collected remains anonymous. The emails will only be used for the drawing.
Thanks for your input!
September 26: Mr. Blotto
September 12: Don’t Rock the Jukebox presented by Hillbilly Rockstarz THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED
September 7: Rumours – The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED
August 24: Sins N’ Roses and Electric Shock – The AC/DC Show THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED
July 25: Movies Under the Stars: Trolls Band Together Survey- THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED
July 11: The Hair Band Night Survey- THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED
June 22: Red Wanting Blue Survey- THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED.
June 6: Sparks Fly: The Taylor Swift Experience Survey- THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CLOSED.
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